Sunday, 13 August 2017


I want to write poems in fountain pen ink,
-Hazy purple, on yellowed pages,
On the back of a novel, unopened for ages.
But I can't make a mark,
On this blue screen of computer bark.

I want to buy a guitar from that old pawn shop,
In the old part of town, with a tea stained table top.
They tell me at the store,"Gone are the blues and bebop!"
So I buy myself today's harp-the latest laptop.

I used to buy Rubik's cubes from an old Parsi shop in Bombay,
But the mall there now sells cubes with fifty four pieces of gray.
So I try to meet the changing times halfway,
And buy my food in predigested sachets!

To eat out is in, cooking with calories is a sin!
To kill language to save a few seconds is #hip,
But you better spend hours to find the filter to hide that melanin.
Like the cubes, all is gray in this township.

Sitting in this colour blind sink,
I want to write poems in fountain pen ink,
-Hazy purple , on yellowed pages,
On the back of a novel, unread for ages.


  1. Long may you write - I love the references.. I was only just thinking of buying a Rubiks cube.. I think you helped me decide

    1. Thanks and in a world of fidget spinners, a rubik's cube is the way to go

  2. And may you continue to write for thousands of years my friend!❤️ This is beautifully evocative especially love; "I want to buy a guitar from that old pawn shop, in the old part of town, with a tea stained table top.They tell me at the store,"Gone are the blues and bebop!"So I buy myself today's harp-the latest laptop.!❤️

    Lots of love,

    1. Don't know about a thousand but one can keep at it

  3. It's really beautiful, all the metaphors and imagery. Nice work.

  4. Gone are the days of fountain pens, so real world thing. The 'blue whale' virtual days are real lethal now. Sigh. Love the old world smell.

    1. Just can't understand that blue whale challenge. Menace to society

  5. There really is something about writing poetry in fountain pen ink. This resonates with me....I had forgotten how much has been 'lost' with all that has been gained with modern technology.

    1. I know! They just go in a mysterious poetic way

  6. Oh yes, i used to play Solitaire using a pack of cards now i play it as an internet game, i dont even remember how to stack the paper cards i used to play with.

    thanks for a lovely Sunday poem share, happy you dropped by my Sunday Standard today, you should link in some time

    much love...

  7. I feel the rebel character here...For me, it's not what around you, however it's defines us as well, - but what you can make out of it, as saying: if you got the lemons - make a lemonade. To success!

  8. I love all the colours you evoked. So in a way you did write with them, even on computer.

  9. Oh the good old days..maybe they weren't as good as nostalgia makes them out to be... but fountain pens, rubik cubes and guitars..oh yes. the good days were made of these!!!

    1. Oh course they aren't but there's a lot to be learnt from them and not everything in the preset is perfect

  10. Very good indeed.
    So I try to meet the changing times halfway,
    And buy my food in predigested sachets!,,,,,,, like these lines. Certainly created an artistic piece of poetry.

  11. Ah, you took me to the pawn shop and to the Parsi shop in Bombay with your clever words and observations. Great write.

  12. I say write those poems with fountain pen is imperative we live our creative dreams in living color and not worry about what is in or hip or whatever....I am who I am and I like what I like....we are enough so get out that fountain pen!


  13. I love this poem. I do think, when I used to write longhand, that my poems flowed more easily - that connection from brain, down the arm, to the pen.........I have to ponder al all-grey Rubik's cube? Was the coloured one too challenging? LOL. Everything is getting dumbed down.

    1. Yeah perhaps. Look at the fidget spinners for one!

  14. Great choice of words and the figures of speech bring out the essence of the poem really well! Keep writing and painting this colour blind word with your poetry.

  15. Beautiful!
    I still have my original fountain pen from my Mother when I graduated 8h grade. 57 years ago. Dry as the desert but still a symbol of a writer.

  16. Aren't fountain pens wonderful? Makes me want to go right out and see if I can find one. I can feel it in my hand as I read your poem.

  17. I actually am more productive on the computer than I am writing by hand - I can't read my handwriting! But I like that you want to write with a fountain pen. I still pen personal notes with a fountain pen using peacock blue ink. And a fidget spinner - what madness! it truly is a fidgeting bit of nonsense.

  18. An intriguing - wonderfully rendered piece - that gives pause.

  19. Hazy purple on yellow pages sounds good to me!

  20. I had a rubric cube...and of course could never work it out. I miss handwriting and the smell of ink and pens.

  21. I want to write poems in fountain pen ink,
    -Hazy purple , on yellowed pages,
    On the back of a novel, unread for ages.

    It is more fun to go back to basics. One can appreciate the progress made looking back!


  22. *stands and cheers* Seriously? A grey Rubik's cube???!!! But I must say, you had me at that opening (and closing) stanza.

    1. Don't see anything wrong with it👀

  23. What an amazing piece of thinking and writing.. What a poem! Just brilliantly composed on a subject that is so familiar.

  24. I love the opening stanza - I've often felt like that! I still have a fountain pen and cartridges with purple ink, but my handwriting has become so bad I can't read it! I have to use the keyboard - even then my fingers don't always behave themselves. Times have changed...

  25. Amazing lead in stanza... My daughter made a artistic journal out of an old book - it is beautiful. Lovely poem.

  26. May you continue to write.. I could never master a Rubik's cube.

  27. The rhyming scheme is marvellous and I really like the flow of this poem

  28. Fountain ink pen. I loved the feeling of writing with them :-)

  29. Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing.Thank for your very good article...!

