Sunday, 22 June 2014

My City, My Muse

My city, my muse,
 How beautiful you are when you sleep,
Poets call you a display of neon lights,
Hedonists use you like they use everyone else.
But no one has seen you in the night's glory.

My city , my muse,
The day is not good enough for our musings,
You are always echoing with the million dissonant throes,
And my mind is always delving into man made tones.
But the night is ours, my confidant .

 My city , my muse,
The gentle nightly west wind blows through ,
Clouds of dreams, deep, dark and blue.
Breaking the clouds and the peeping moon ,
Gentle rain kiss me just once.

My city , my muse,
If only they saw you at night the way I do,
If only they saw me the way you do,
If only we saw them , the way we see each other,
If only everyone just saw and no one spoke.

My city , my muse,
Do you hear me tonight?
In my cries , in your tears?
Take me where the west wind first blew,
Across clouds of dreams, deep, dark and blue.


  1. I love that stanza - If Only - there is so much in life we miss because of our perspective to see life through the eyes of another is one of the wonderful things that makes poetry special. I love how you really make the emotion sing..

  2. It's beautiful how you extol your muse, your city and it's sad when others think it the other way....

  3. luv the stress of endearment by your use of repetition in this one;

    thanks for dropping in to read mine

    much love...

  4. The repetition brings out the focus of attention more than otherwise. Wonderful write Suyash!


  5. I can feel your love coming through reminds me of a poem I wrote about 4 years ago....about how different people view the city...I like the lens through which you see her...

  6. Sincere expression of city love :)

  7. This is really lovely. The repetition and rhyme give it a very pleasing flow and your love of your city is evident. Thank you for sharing this.

  8. I can feel your love of the city.....and find your closing lines especially moving.

  9. You wrote very poetically and lovingly about your city.

  10. You seem to love your city very much and you express your feelings very convincingly.

  11. Suyash,

    Strange how we can view our own cities and places where we live. Seeing it used by visitors can feel like a personal intrusion, rather than our territory..Excellent local connection...

  12. A lovely personification of your City, Suyash. Amazing how attached we become to the place where we live, enjoying its best points and lovingly forgiving its bad ones...
